Repotting Houseplants to Hydroponics
Choosing Plants for Transplanting

Knowing what to expect before you start transplanting will help guide you through the process.

Tips for nurturing new transplants during the transition from soil to hydroponics are below.

Table Top Plants

Plant Type
(Common Name)
Plant Type
(Scientific Name)

Aluminum Plant Pilea cadierei Might Need Coaxing
Chinese Evergreen (all types) Alglaonema  Jubilee
Alglaonema Midnight
Alglaonema Silver Bay
Alglaonema Maria
Alglaonema White Rain
Corn Plants Dracaena Janet Craig
Dracaena  Neon
Dracaena Warnecki

Crown of Thorns Euphorbia Milii Easy
Emerald Ripple Peperomia Pilea caperata Easy
Hawiian Schefflera Arboricola green and variegated Easy
Mother-in-Laws Tongue Sansaveria Laurenti Easy
Nerve Plant Fittonia  Might Need Coaxing

Peace Lily Spathiphyllum Easy
Parlor Palm Chamadorea elegans Easy
Ponytail Palm Beaucarnea recurvata Easy
Song of India 
Pleomele Song of India Might Need Coaxing
Rubber Tree
Ficus Decora Easy
Weeping Fig Ficus Benjamina
Ficus Midnight
Ficue Wintergreen
Might Need Coaxing

Floor Plants

Plant Type
(Common Name)
Plant Type
(Scientific Name)

Dumb Cane Dieffenbachia Easy
Cast Iron Plant Aspidistria elatior Easy
Corn Plants Dracaena Janet Craig
Dracaena  Neon
Dracaena Warnecki
Elephant Ears Philodendron Selloum Easy
Palms -
     Areca Palm
     Bamboo Plam          
     Kentia  Palm
     Parlor Palm
     Triangle Palm
Chamadorea siefrzii
Chamadorea elegans
Howea fosteriana
Might Need Coaxing - Can be Difficult
Rubber Tree
Rubber Tree - variegated
(Ficus Decora)
(Ficus Decora var.)
Philodendron Monstera Easy
Umbrella Plant Schefflera Amate Might Need Coaxing
Weeping Fig -
     (Ficus Benjamina)
     (Ficus Neon)   
     (Ficus Starlight)
Might Need Coaxing

Hanging Plants -Vines, Ivies

Plant Type
(Common Name)
Plant Type
(Scientific Name)

Creeping Fig Ficus repens Might Need Coaxing
Asparagus Fern Asparagus densiflorus Might Need Coaxing
Boston Fern Difficult
Devils Ivy Epipremnum aureum Difficult
Gynura aurantiaca
Spider Plant Chlorophytum comosum Easy
Swedish Ivy Plectranthus Difficult
Heartleaf Philodendron Philodendron Easy
Velvet Leaf Philodendron Scindapsis pictus Easy

Plant Care Tips for "After Transplanting"

The right growing environment is important for new transplanting while they convert to hydroponics. A good growing environment means gentle warm temperatures at the roots and good humidity at the leaves.

For best results on all your transplants (cuttings too!) take a look at tools for transplanting.

Most plants make the transition without incident. Plants with thin leaves and stems can struggle however. They don't have the ability to store water, so they depend on a constant supply of moisture from the roots. If the roots do not adapt quickly, the plant won't be getting the moisture it needs. It goes into "survival mode" where leaves wilt, dry up and eventually fall off.

Plant Care for "Easy Transplants"

Plants that are "Easy Transplants" do not require special care while they make the switch over to hydroponics. Simply follow the watering guidelines in the Transplanting Booklet that's in your Starter Set. You can also see watering guidelines for easy transplants here

Care for Plants That "Need Coaxing"

Some plants actually abandon their existing roots and insist on growing new ones. These plants will "Need Coaxing" during the transition because growing new roots takes time.

Follow the watering guidelines for these plants in the Transplanting Booklet or see them here.

Having the right tools for transplanting these plants will increase your success rate for these plants.

Plant Care for Difficult Transplants

Some plants that struggle with the transition to hydroponics and don't recover from the shock of transplanting. For these plants I recommend leaving the soil root ball intact and and planting it (soil included) into a bed of hydroponic pebbles, leaving the plant’s roots undisturbed.

This is called "terraponics".

See the details here.