Adenium (Desert Rose)

by Scott Boucher
(Camp Hill, Pennsylvania)

Have you ever tried to transplant Adenium (Desert Rose) from soil into LECA.


Yes - it works well.

Couple of tips -

1. Choose a small grow pot because we want the plant to dry out quickly.
2. Careful with the water. Just run water through the pebbles at the sink once a week or so. Return plant to outer pot with no standing water at the base.
3. These plants don't support many leaves so no worries if it sheds leaves - they will grow back.
4. Desert Rose need lots of light with some direct sun. Partial shade outdoors though.

Good Luck!

The Hydroponics Guy

Comments for Adenium (Desert Rose)

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by: Anonymous

Do you mix nutrients with your water for the run through for the desert rose? If so, what and how?

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