Indoor Air Pollution - What is it?

We're acustomed to thinking indoor environments are safe from all the evils of outside air. Research has shown that the air your breathe indoors can be as much as 10 times more polluted than outside air!

What makes indoor air bad?

In the 1980's architects began sealing buildings from outside air to reduce energy costs. Since then, changes in building materials used for interiors has been taking place. Natural materials that were used to make furnishings in homes and offices have been replaced with fiberboard, plastics, and other synthetics - all held together with glues and resins.

Synthetic materials have become overwelmingly present in our homes and offices. Take a look around and consider just how many syntheic materials are surrounding you.

These synthetic materials create "off gases", many of which contain harmful toxins. Without venilation of outside air, these pollutants become concentrated. The air we breathe indoors could actually be making us sick!

Typical House

Unfortunatley synthetic materials are cheaper, making them a popular choice with builders. But are we recognizing the health hazards these products bring into our living and work environments?  

Household Material Chemical Toxins
Inks, Paints, Plastic, Dyes,
Detergents, Synthetic Fibers
Foam Insulation, Plywood, Pressed Wood Grocery Bags, Fire Retardents, carpet, Formaldehyde
Dry cleaning, Printing Inks, Paints, Laquers, Varnishes, Adhesives Trichloroethylene

Chemical Toxins Best Plants for Removing Toxin
Benzene English Ivy
Dracaena Janet Craig
Dracaena Wwarnecki
Dracaena Lemon lime
Dracaena Compacta
Peace Lily
Formaldehyde Dracaena Janet Craig
Dracaena Warnecki
Dracaena Lemon Lime
Bamboo Palm
Rubber Plant
Areca Palm
Rhapis Palm
Golden Pothos
Trichloroethylene Peace Liliy
Dracaena Warnecki

How Plants Clean the Air

Top 10 Plants for Clean Air

How Clean is the Air You're Breathing?
