Tap or distilled water for calatheas?

by Shalla
(Gaithersburg, MD)

Tap or distilled water for calatheas in LECA? Also which water to flush them periodically

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Tap or Distilled Water for Calatheas
by: Jeree

Hi Shalla,

I don't think I'm the one to be asking about calatheas because I don't think they like me!

My experience is yellow leaves and brown tips are the order of the day with these plants.

I minimize yellow leaves by keeping plant on dry side and simply use a scissors to trim away brown tips.

Normally brown tips are salts and other impurities being pushed out of the plant so technically, distilled water should be better - but tap water works just as good for me.

I would be stingy with nutrients to minimize salt build up I use and recommend Dyna-Gro "Grow" formula.

I leach plants with regular tap water every couple of months. Flushing the root system is important - a big benefit with hydroponics because it's impossible with soil.

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