Transplanting Bird of Paradise in Leca

by denz
(Oakvill, ON, Canafa)

QUESTION: Is it easy to transplant birds of paradise in Leca?

ANSWER: It depends on the size of the plant and how long it's been growing in the existing pot.

All plants need adequate humidity at their leaves during the transition - 70% or more. This puts pressure on new roots to perform. This is especially true for large plants (taller than 3ft).

If your plant has been growing in its existing pot for more than 2 years it's probably developed an extensive root system and removing the soil will shock it.

So, if your Bird of Paradise is taller than 3ft - or - if it's been growing in its pot for more than 3 years I suggest trying "terraponics".

Find out more about terraponics at

Otherwise, it should be an easy transplant.

Good Growing!

The Hydroponics Guy

Comments for Transplanting Bird of Paradise in Leca

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leaves curling
by: Anonymous

Ok, so I just transplanted my bird into Leca but notice one of the lower smaller leaf's curling so, I added water to insure that the whole root is getting water also, I've had it for four months , and if I'm measuring correctly, its about 2ft tall. It aid in its recovery I placed a small humidifier near it .Help, any suggestions?

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