Pot sizes

by Jane
(Wheaton, IL)

I watched your video on propagating pathos, and you mention that a small pot is used for 12-15 clippings and a large pot is used for 20 clippings. Can you be more specific on the size pots in the video? I am ordering potting sets and I don’t know the size in inches that I should get. Also, in the video there is a large pathos plant that you trimmed which is where you got the clippings to transplant. Can you tell me what size that pot is? Thank you.

I like using a lot of cuttings to grow a fuller plant. And if 1 or 2 cutting don't make it it's not a big deal.

Many people put 2 or 3 cuttings in the pot and the plant will never look full.

I put 8-10 cuttings into a 4" planter and 12-15 cuttings into a 5" planter.

The large plant in the video is a 9" tall planter.

P.S. I see you're from Wheaton, IL. I started my plant business with a plant store on Front Street in Wheaton from 1974-1980! It's a small world.

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How Many Pothos Cuttings per Pot?
by: Jeree

Good questions!

I like using a lot of cuttings to grow a fuller plant. And if 1 or 2 cutting don't make it it's not a big deal.

Many people put 2 or 3 cuttings in the pot and the plant will never look full.

I put 8-10 cuttings into a 4" planter and 12-15 cuttings into a 5" planter.

The large plant in the video is a 9" tall planter.

P.S. I see you're from Wheaton, IL. I started my plant business with a plant store on Front Street in Wheaton from 1974-1980! It's a small world.

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